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In the name of Allah (most gracious, most merciful)


The Uganda American Muslim Association (UAMA) is a charitable, religious organization, founded in 2007, composed of Muslims who seek to bring together Muslim brothers and sisters living in the United States and abroad; to encourage them to develop their faith, to interpret life from an Islamic perspective, to commit to Allah, and to develop traits of Muslim character and service and; to encourage Islamic oriented social activities; in settings such as seminars, conferences, forums, etc. through which members can meet, grow and gain strength.

Our Mission

The organization's purpose is to emphasize a person’s belief, social, cultural, economical, and intellectual development in accordance with the teachings of Islam as outlined in the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). While the objectives of the Ugandan American Muslim Association are designed especially for Ugandan American Muslims, they are also open to people of all faiths who wish to be apart of these teachings and understand the objectives of the Association.

The Ugandan American Muslim Association encourages members to develop their faith, to interpret life from an Islamic perspective, to commit to Allah, and to develop traits of Muslim character and service.

The Ugandan American Muslim Association encourages Islamic oriented social activities; in settings such as seminars, conferences, forums, etc. through which members can meet, grow and gain strength.

The Ugandan American Muslim Association encourages sharing and understanding our diverse cultural heritage through education and social activities.

The Ugandan American Muslim Association encourages economical forums through which members can meet on socioeconomic issues.

The Ugandan American Muslim Association encourages members to further their education by exchanging and supporting valuable knowledge through classes, resources for counseling, and information on educational and professional opportunities.

"I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone." [51:56]

UAMA Vision

  • To Build a Stronger Community
  • Networking, working for the common good on projects that positively impact the Ugandan Muslim community
  • To provide outreach programs to assist the community spiritually and materially

UAMA Administration

UAMA administration is composed of Standing Committees, Executive Committee and the Board. To get to know your administrative members, please click below:

Committee Members

Interested to serve on any committee, please contact us at: committees@uamalink.org

Organization Chart

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

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